Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Internship #13

These jaws belong to Megalodon. A shark that lived over 20 million years ago. A massive predator that went extinct millions of years before humans took over the planet. When I see things like this it allows me to see in perspective. That life was struggling and evolving for hundreds of millions of years, but in the course of a few thousand, humans took over. It's an eye opener for how signifigant and sudden our impact was.

Stereolepis Gigas, the giant sea bass. A once mighty and plentiful creature. Now endangered. One bass can live to 75 years, weigh over 600 pounds. With it's size came its sport value. Within the course of 40 years they were fished nearly to extinction. Humans have a weight to every action we take. We took far too many of them and they almost disappeared, we created marine reserves and their numbers are replenishing. Every action we take makes a difference. I know that now.

This is a shot of La Jolla shores. When I see this I think of what it must have been like thousands of years before people changed it. I imagine it without the hotel and roads. I am grateful that it is still in the condition that is, but I believe everyone can learn something from contemplating the earth's condition without Man's existance.

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